The Spirit of Humanity recognition is one of its kind. We are greatly impressed by the selection process for the award.
- Om Prakash Sharma, Secretary,
Gram Chetna Kendra
Please accept our deepest gratitude for giving us the opportunity to represent the organization at such a big platform. Sparsh would also like to thank all the member involved in the ceremony, a big shout out to them. The whole process of the being selected as a national winner was full of learnings and we really appreciate the kind of gesture of organization to give recognition to NGOs working for social impact. Thanks once again for the recognition and making partner for societal good.
The SOH award recognizes organisations whose work has already had significant impact on some of the world's most pressing problems and who are committed to act as critical catalysts of transformational social change & sustainable development. We are honoured to win Both the National Level and Regional Level Spirit of Humanity Award 2022. Since last many years, AJSA has been working relentlessly, impacting the lives of thousands of children in the tribal hinterlands of eastern India and helping them to initiate a dignified life. It is truly thrilling and gratifying when our efforts and initiatives get recognised on such a huge platform. It is recognition of the hard work put in by all the stakeholders including our team members and efforts of the children we are working for.
- Manoranjan Behera, Executive Director-AJSA
"The life of a grassroots organization is full of immediate struggles; funds, human resources, community benefit etc. It is moments like these, when our work is appreciated, that we realize the immense impact that we have on communities. So we thank Spirit of Humanity and Americares for creating a platform for recognizing our work.
The platform allowed us to interact with other social impact organizations, thereby building a stronger network. The award money received was directed towards our flagship program Her VOICE, and has helped improve the lives of marginalized adolescent girls in the district of Mahbubnagar, Telangana. Americares and Sprit of Humanity’s recognition of our work has only strengthened our fervor and passion towards empowering the adolescent girl, so that they are able to take charge of their lives and overcome the cycle of socio-economic and gender inequality."
- Faiza Ruksar Arif
It was a proud and wonderful experience to receive the Spirit of Humanity award. It has given us a benchmark to work harder and definitely reach out to more people with improved quality of life. Vidya Sagar team feels honoured to receive this award.
- Radha Ramesh
The SOH awards completely boosted out morale and gave us so much positive energies. The timing of this couldn't have been any better! We are so glad about the wonderful categories in these awards. Many times our work being what it is, never finds a right spot to properly represent it.
The Child Care category was brilliant and its exactly what we do, propagating Play for all children and focusing of childhood mental health through Play.
We are so grateful to SOH and the fabulous team behind the scenes peacefully managing it all and doing such an immaculate job at that.
We are so proud of this award and we will always be grateful and motivated each time we see it!
- Shweta Chari
It was a great experience and learning to undergo the selection process. It will definitely help the institution to reach out to more people and create awareness about the suffering of special adults & their parents. ADHAR team feels honored to receive its 3rd National Award in a span of 10 years
- Vishwas Gore,Chairman
The Spirit of Humanity awards act as a great encouragement and appreciation for organizations working towards the strengthening of our social milieu. It is recognition of the hard work put in by all the stakeholders within the organization and a medium to create awareness in the society. We believe such programs shall continue to motivate individuals and corporate or social entities to come up with need based solutions from time to time and help in welfare of the underprivileged.
- Dr. Anil D’Cruz, Director
Spirit of Humanity was an incredible opportunity for us to present our work on a National level, specifically in front of expert judges from NGOs, Corporate and Academia. Receiving the award helped us in achieving a credibility and prominence to establish the dimensions and vigour involved to serve the underprivileged section of our society.
- Manju Vyas, CEO
The experience right from nomination to finals was a major learning for our team. We learnt how to present our work to the corporate world, about the work of other NGOs and how we could improve our program.
- Mukul Chandra Goswami, Secretary
A unique and exclusive platform where the work of NGOs was brought to the forefront, acknowledged and awarded. The entire process was transparent and unbiased.
- Dr. Khurshid Mistry, Manager
This was the first major recognition received by our organization. Spirit of Humanity gave us a good chance to present our work to some distinguished people on a national stage.
- Rajat Kumar Agarwal
The Spirit of Humanity awards provided my team with a platform for valuable collaboration with other successful organizations across the country. It is through recognition programs like this one that we are truly moving towards sustainable solutions to health problems.
- Dr. Shelly Batra, President & Co-founder
It provided a platform for emerging NGOs like ours to showcase our activities on a wider canvas to different stakeholders and policymakers across India. It was really an enriching experience to see the humanitarian work undertaken by various organizations.
- Dr. Pankaj R Shah, President
The Spirit of Humanity recognition is one of its kind. We are greatly impressed by the selection process for the award
- Dr. Ashish Satav, President
Please click here to see the list of past winners